I am thankful for our newest addition, Cole has been just perfect and I am so glad he completes our family. He is just adorable and I didn't think I could love another just as much as I love Lilly, but boy I am in love!
I am thankful not to be pregnant anymore...haha, but seriously I was done and the whole gestational diabetes thing was enough to drive me up a wall!
I am thankful for Lilly who simply amazes me everyday. She is so smart and funny and she is being a wonderful big sister. I can't wait to see what a the rest of the year brings to her.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He has totally rocked this year, especially through my pregnancy and this first two weeks of Cole's life. He is such a great dad and husband.
Lastly I am thankful for having such a great family. Dinner at my dad's was fun as usually, I miss my mom but she would love that we all still get together and have dinner there.
Here is a family photos, I tried to get us all to match, we sorta do, but Cole and I had limited things to wear!
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