Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3rd of July

Every year we have a 3rd of July party. This year I wasn't sure it was going to happen, but it did. Ben pretty much bought all the food, got the beer and soda and texted a few peeps and got the people here! This year was a smaller affair than usual, but of course, it ended up being a great time. I did, however, stay up way too late and naturally took too many pics of Bean and not enough of our guests. Even though it was a smaller crowd, it didn't stop them from drinking all the beer. Next year I hope to enjoy a few cold ones.

This is just to show off Lilly's festive nails.

Lilly and Alex in the pool! "we are swimming"! LOL

Another awesome view of the kiddos enjoying the pool. OK, Evan is enjoying the tractor but he was ready for the pool at any moment.

A few family members (and Ro!) eating! Kate will probably kill me for posting this picture but hey we are all family, right? :)

Ben and Benson tending to the grill. OK, Benson really just wanted to look like he was part of grilling, by holding onto a tool, but he wasn't--Ben did his usual best on the burgers and dogs. Benson, like the rest of us, just enjoyed eating the food off the grill! Busted Benson.

Probably the highlight of the night for me, Lilly and Al, saying "cheese" as loud and as long as they could. I must say Bean always has the best smile when Al is around. She really does love her BFF!
Let's try the squatting position.

And back up again,

and lets try different levels.
They are so cute!

This is pretty much how the night ended, sorry Al's face is blurry, but this pic is from my phone. Lilly and Al watching some Dora before they both went to bed.

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