Dr. Roskes was impressed with her walking at such an early stage (she walked at 10 1/2 months) and likes that she is doing well eating table foods. He gave us the go ahead to start cows milk and we have.
Lilly currently weights 19 lbs. 2 oz and is 29 3/4 inches tall. Overall a good size, so I am happy. Bean is still not a fan of shots and screams her little head off. She also had to get her finger pricked for the lead test. I hated it. Poor Bean just screamed her head off and was all sweaty, I too was also sweaty and practically in tears myself. Its just so hard to see them all worked up!
Before we left the doctors office I finally scheduled Lilly to get her ear's pierced. I am excited and nervous, mostly nervous about this. She is getting this done on Thursday so be on the look out for pictures and an update.
Mainly I can't post without a posting a picture, so hear is Bean after her dr. appointment.

Here is an upclose picture of the digger Bean got when she tried to run away from me. I picked her up from daycare, and I let her walk to the car, but she had other plans. She was headed for the field and well since she is still so new to walking/running, stopping when you have to much momentum doesn't always end well. Poor Bean :(

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