We welcomed Cole Anderson Roach into the family Tuesday November 9th at 1:05pm. He was born via c-section weighing 9 lb 1.2 oz and 21 inches long. I love to grow some big babies! In case you didn't know Lilly was born weighing 9 lbs. 2.2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
Cole was born with a full head of hair and the chubbiest cheeks you have ever seen. I was much more aware of what was going on this time around so it was sorta weird experience. I was able to listen to everything that was going on and I knew what they were talking about and when the pulled him out they did mention he was a big boy so I was dying to hear how much he weighed.
Before I went into the OR Ben and I discussed how big we thought he would be, I wasn't convinced he would be 9 pounds but Ben did, and well he was right.
When I got into recovery, I was feeling a little woozy and tired, the spinal meds they gave me didn't end up making me feel great. After a sometime I was finally able to hold Cole. Man I was in love, he looked so much like his sister but the cheeks, I still can't get over then, I mean how many times have I mentioned his cheeks this post so far :) Right off the bat, Cole has been a great nurser, so that fear of him not latching well was over.
My time in the hospital was ok. I had some great nurses and one really bad nursery nurse that totally stressed me out. Long story short, poor Cole was losing weight because my milk wasn't coming in and I ended up having to pump and to help and the one nurse wasn't to nice about what I needed to be doing all night long with no help. Ben was going home so it was just me, I ended up in tears and had Ben come back to stay with me. We made it through the night, and I was more then ready to go home after that.
Everyone was ok with me going home just getting things in place a day earlier then planned was challenging but we did leave! Cole's pediatrician came and we discussed the feeding protocol, we ended up having to supplement after each feeding and if I didn't feel my milk was coming in, to go over the weekend for a weight check.
Once home I felt more confident in what was going on and my milk did come in. Wow, did it come in, so uncomfortable, but this was good for Cole. The pedi, called on Sunday to let me know he wouldn't be in Monday so to schedule an appointment for Tuesday. So I did.
Just a few pics from the first day!
Here is Cole, all 9 pounds of him!

My and my little man. Love at first sight!

Me and my kids. Still weird for me to say and type that. What I have kids?! :)