Bean has finally decided that showers are ok! Yay, since giving her a bath wastes so much water and it takes so long, I am happy to say today Bean took a shower all by herself.
This weekend she took one with me on Saturday and on Sunday. When she wanted me to take one with her today we told her she could do it bye herself and not be scared (since this was one of things she would say when we tried to get her to take showers before, and then it moved to not being scared when she took one with me) There were a few tears when it came to washing her hair but she gets a little confused on what way to tilt her head so she doesn't get soap in her eyes. Overall, she is only 2.5 plenty of time to learn how to take a shower and wash her hair.
Oh my Bean, you are growing up to fast!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Another update on me and Cole
At 28 weeks I have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Yuck! Tuesday morning I got the phone call from the Dr. I am still less then thrilled with this whole thing, but I have to do what's right for baby Cole.
On Thursday I went to the Geckle Diabetes and Nutrition Center for a class designated for moms diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I got there at 9 am and left at 12pm. It was a very informative class but a tad overwhelming. I am now a proud owner of a One Touch UltraMini. I use this wonderful device to check my blood glucose levels 4 times a day. It isn't so bad, but I just have to remember to do it. Luckily I have some pretty great girls at work that helped me out today. Besides taking my blood levels I also am on a diet. I pretty much have to count my carbs making sure I don't get to many.
Its a new way of thinking but it isn't horrible. I pretty much eat every 3-4 hours during the day and I am not suppose to go 10 hours between my night snack and breakfast. Not to mention I have to write everything down and have No milk and fruit for breakfast. Not so bad right?! We will see. I go back on Wednesday for a visit, to see how I am doing. Hopefully things are a-okay, but I won't know until then.
I would love for the next 11 weeks to fly by, so I don't have to worry about this, but at the same time I/we are not ready for Cole to come yet. Not to mention we don't have a middle name, a painted room, a new bed for Lilly and well I have to just get organized. I guess this could be a whole other post. Anyway, I will update again after my appointment Wednesday.
On Thursday I went to the Geckle Diabetes and Nutrition Center for a class designated for moms diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I got there at 9 am and left at 12pm. It was a very informative class but a tad overwhelming. I am now a proud owner of a One Touch UltraMini. I use this wonderful device to check my blood glucose levels 4 times a day. It isn't so bad, but I just have to remember to do it. Luckily I have some pretty great girls at work that helped me out today. Besides taking my blood levels I also am on a diet. I pretty much have to count my carbs making sure I don't get to many.
Its a new way of thinking but it isn't horrible. I pretty much eat every 3-4 hours during the day and I am not suppose to go 10 hours between my night snack and breakfast. Not to mention I have to write everything down and have No milk and fruit for breakfast. Not so bad right?! We will see. I go back on Wednesday for a visit, to see how I am doing. Hopefully things are a-okay, but I won't know until then.
I would love for the next 11 weeks to fly by, so I don't have to worry about this, but at the same time I/we are not ready for Cole to come yet. Not to mention we don't have a middle name, a painted room, a new bed for Lilly and well I have to just get organized. I guess this could be a whole other post. Anyway, I will update again after my appointment Wednesday.
Monday, August 23, 2010
She is growing up :(
I guess its to be expected but Lilly is growing up. Yesterday we went to Little Friends for an open house. Bean has moved up from Baby Friends and will now be with 2-4 year olds. I think she will do an awesome job and her language will take off and, fingers crossed, she will become more interested in the potty. But what happened to my baby? Luckily in a few short weeks I will be reminded what its like to have a newborn, but until then I can be sad about how my baby girl is growing up.
Today was Lilly's first day of Little Friends. Like my mom always did, we took our first day of school pictures and she already looks so grown up. Then, since it was break week, I was able to go in a little later and go with Ben to drop of Lilly. She was all excited to go in, and see her new friends and then we insisted we give her a hug and say goodbye. We should have just left, but when she realized we were leaving she didn't want to stay. Poor Bean wanted to go home and not stay. She cried and didn't want to leave me. Of course this made me upset and I am not really sure why (I am going to go ahead and blame pregnancy). So as we were leaving I started to cry. I had no doubt in my mind that she would be ok, but her being upset like this made me sad.
About 15 mins after I got to work Ben texted me saying that he got a phone call saying that Lilly cried for about a minute and then was off to play like it was no big deal. That made me feel so much better and only proved to me that she is growing up and ready for the new fun things that she will be experiencing this year. Go Bean Go!
Today was Lilly's first day of Little Friends. Like my mom always did, we took our first day of school pictures and she already looks so grown up. Then, since it was break week, I was able to go in a little later and go with Ben to drop of Lilly. She was all excited to go in, and see her new friends and then we insisted we give her a hug and say goodbye. We should have just left, but when she realized we were leaving she didn't want to stay. Poor Bean wanted to go home and not stay. She cried and didn't want to leave me. Of course this made me upset and I am not really sure why (I am going to go ahead and blame pregnancy). So as we were leaving I started to cry. I had no doubt in my mind that she would be ok, but her being upset like this made me sad.
About 15 mins after I got to work Ben texted me saying that he got a phone call saying that Lilly cried for about a minute and then was off to play like it was no big deal. That made me feel so much better and only proved to me that she is growing up and ready for the new fun things that she will be experiencing this year. Go Bean Go!
Bean and Ben! Se is so little yet so big!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fun with beads
When Ben was in Paris, Lilly and I took a trip to Michael's. Beads were one of the things that she picked out. I was all for it, but we didn't use them until now. Since I have such a girly girl, I thought it might be fun for us to make necklaces. Lilly only liked it for a few seconds, but in those few seconds I happen to get a few pictures.
Sometimes it amazes me the skills she has and then I remember that I work with children that are really delayed. Clearly my Bean can string beads like a champ!
Sometimes it amazes me the skills she has and then I remember that I work with children that are really delayed. Clearly my Bean can string beads like a champ!
She already has a great pattern going!
Stringing them like a big girl. Gosh, isn't she the greatest!?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Update on me :)
This is me at 26 weeks and 1 day. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I feel like I am getting bigger by the day. I am pretty sure that I am already bigger then I was last time.
At my doctor's appointment today I gained 8 lbs! Yay, and wow! This whole pregnancy I have lost weight. Why is this the only way I can lose weight? I am hoping this trend follows for when after Cole arrives. A few things happened at my appointment today. First: I failed my glucose test. I hate this test with a passion, it's one part of pregnancy that I hate. I was so sure I passed since I didn't get a phone call but I failed. I don't know much about the whole glucose test in general but its a test they do to make sure you don't get gestational diabetes, which is very bad for the baby and me. So it looks like I will be taking the 3 hour test. Not my idea of fun whatsoever, but at least break week is coming up so I don't have to worry about taking too much time off. Also at my appointment today, I found out that my my c-section is scheduled for Nov. 15th at 10:15 am. This is scheduled in case I don't go into labor myself. I have a feeling I will be having the C/S, but I am hoping it doesn't happen. I would like to experience a vaginal birth but I'm also worried that I will have a huge baby just like Lil (she was 9lbs. 2.2 oz) and pushing that out is not my idea of fun! Oh well only time will tell!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Afternoon at the FBS playground
So Bean loves to go to the playground and this one just happens to be shaded--a huge plus in my book. Its a pretty big playground and really not suited for a 2.5 year old but that doesn't ever really stop Bean. I snapped a few pictures with my phone, so again, not the greatest quality but one day I might get a point and shoot that works (or the new iphone that has a better camera).
Ben is really great with Lilly on the playground and plays with her, when I just like to sit and feel pregnant. Once we were finished with the playground we thought it would be a nice idea to go visit he stream and see if we could see any fish. Friends School really does have a beautiful campus and I love getting pictures of Bean and Ben walking and holding hands. Makes me feel extra special to have these two wonderful people in my life. I am pretty excited to see what baby Cole will bring to the mix!

Ben is really great with Lilly on the playground and plays with her, when I just like to sit and feel pregnant. Once we were finished with the playground we thought it would be a nice idea to go visit he stream and see if we could see any fish. Friends School really does have a beautiful campus and I love getting pictures of Bean and Ben walking and holding hands. Makes me feel extra special to have these two wonderful people in my life. I am pretty excited to see what baby Cole will bring to the mix!
Success, this is the second time at this since Ben accidentally clunked Lilly's head into the handle the first time.
The big slide.
Yay, I love the slide.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Welcome August
Today, since it wasn't so hot out, Lilly and I took a trip to the zoo! I haven't been to the zoo in a long time and usually it's all three of us, but I thought I could brave it. Being pregnant it wasn't the easiest of things to do but I managed. Lilly did a wonderful job walking and riding in the stroller.
We got to the zoo right as it opened (10 am) and we didn't leave until a little before 1. We opted to go on the tram instead of walking, I think she was a little hesitant especially since she rode in her stroller on the tram, but she did great.
So here are a few pictures from our trip. There are only a few but I felt like the pictures I took, where the only times I go to stop and take a breather! Haha!

We got to the zoo right as it opened (10 am) and we didn't leave until a little before 1. We opted to go on the tram instead of walking, I think she was a little hesitant especially since she rode in her stroller on the tram, but she did great.
So here are a few pictures from our trip. There are only a few but I felt like the pictures I took, where the only times I go to stop and take a breather! Haha!
Lilly in the stroller on the tram.
She still loves the turtles!
Standing in the nest, why would she possibly sit down??
Going down the slide, um yes she went down it repeatedly without any hesitation. She really is growing up!
Brushing the goats, she loves the goats too!
Looking at the giraffes.
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