Thursday, June 24, 2010
Baby Boy has a first name
It looks like we have picked out a name for Baby Boy Roach! We have decided on Cole. We are working on a middle name, there are a few in the running but we have plenty of time to decide.
Storytime Live
On Father's Day Ben and I took Lilly to see Nickelodeon's Storytime Live! It was downtown at the Hippodrome Theater, and neither Ben or I had been there so it was an adventure for all of us. I am not sure Lilly actually new what she was going to see, but we did explain she would see Dora, and I that pretty much sold her!
We got there and it was a whole bunch of parents and toddlers! We had no problem finding the place..LOL! There was no picture taking there but I managed to take a few low quality pictures with my phone.
Anyway, we found our seats and waited. Lilly was very good the whole time. She was excited to see Moose and Zee come out. First act up was Kia Lan, Lilly was pretty much in aww the whole time. Kia Lan was on for 20 mins, then it was the Backyardagains. This was another 20 mins and it was time for intermission. We figured Lilly would want to get up and walk around but she didn't, she cried when we tried to take her out, so Ben stayed with her while I went to the bathroom. On the way back I got her some pop corn. This was a hit and it was time for the show to start again. Up next was Wonder Pets, Lilly seems pretty into but was way more into the pop corn, haha. In between shows Moose and Zee came on, and I think Lilly really liked that part.
Last but not least was Dora! Lilly was so excited she was jumping around and had a huge smile on her face. I loved it. I mean I loved it as much as I could since we sat pretty much for 2 hours worth of Nick Jr. shows!
Overall we had a great experience and Lilly did a great job, I am thinking that we might be ready for a full lenght movie, I just have to make sure I can find one she will like.
Here are the few pictures I got, like I said they aren't great.

We got there and it was a whole bunch of parents and toddlers! We had no problem finding the place..LOL! There was no picture taking there but I managed to take a few low quality pictures with my phone.
Anyway, we found our seats and waited. Lilly was very good the whole time. She was excited to see Moose and Zee come out. First act up was Kia Lan, Lilly was pretty much in aww the whole time. Kia Lan was on for 20 mins, then it was the Backyardagains. This was another 20 mins and it was time for intermission. We figured Lilly would want to get up and walk around but she didn't, she cried when we tried to take her out, so Ben stayed with her while I went to the bathroom. On the way back I got her some pop corn. This was a hit and it was time for the show to start again. Up next was Wonder Pets, Lilly seems pretty into but was way more into the pop corn, haha. In between shows Moose and Zee came on, and I think Lilly really liked that part.
Last but not least was Dora! Lilly was so excited she was jumping around and had a huge smile on her face. I loved it. I mean I loved it as much as I could since we sat pretty much for 2 hours worth of Nick Jr. shows!
Overall we had a great experience and Lilly did a great job, I am thinking that we might be ready for a full lenght movie, I just have to make sure I can find one she will like.
Here are the few pictures I got, like I said they aren't great.
The Stage, we didn't have the best seat but any closer I don't think Lilly would have done as great as she did.
Lilly sitting in her seat!
Ben and Lilly after the show. Happy Father's Day Benjamin. I think he did a pretty great dad thing, by going. I mean what dad really wants to spend his Father's Day watching Storytime Live!?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Baby Roach will be...
We had a big ultrasound on Friday finally, I have been waiting for this day since I got pregnant!
I really had no feeling what I was having, but everyone was saying boy. Ben also really wanted to have a boy, while I was hoping for a girl. I knew either way I would be surprised.
Well low and behold everyone was correct, we are having a BOY! We have now joined Team Blue!
I am pretty excited to know I will have the perfect pair, one girly girl and a one boy. My mom would have loved it!
We have not decided on a name yet, I know we have time but with Lilly we knew right away, so this is sorta torching me we don't have one yet. I will keep you all posted when we finally decide.
Here a few pictures of our little man.

The next three pictures are the up close ones of the first picture. We got a ton of pictures, so if you are in the Baltimore area and want to see them, just ask, I always have then with me in my purse!

Our baby boy is nice an healthy and growing how he should. They didn't get all the measurements they needed so I have to go back this upcoming Friday, but I don't mind getting another peek at the little guy.
I really had no feeling what I was having, but everyone was saying boy. Ben also really wanted to have a boy, while I was hoping for a girl. I knew either way I would be surprised.
Well low and behold everyone was correct, we are having a BOY! We have now joined Team Blue!
I am pretty excited to know I will have the perfect pair, one girly girl and a one boy. My mom would have loved it!
We have not decided on a name yet, I know we have time but with Lilly we knew right away, so this is sorta torching me we don't have one yet. I will keep you all posted when we finally decide.
Here a few pictures of our little man.

The next three pictures are the up close ones of the first picture. We got a ton of pictures, so if you are in the Baltimore area and want to see them, just ask, I always have then with me in my purse!
Here is his face.

The infamous crotch shot! He is an active little guy, so its not the greatest picture.

Our baby boy is nice an healthy and growing how he should. They didn't get all the measurements they needed so I have to go back this upcoming Friday, but I don't mind getting another peek at the little guy.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Summer time fun, or not!
Well you would think since its the summer and its hot, why not hang out at the pool! Of course its a good idea. Well Lilly and I went to the pool with our besties and Lilly was not happy about it. She loves water and pretty much has been in a pool since she was born, but this summer so far has been a bust.
I am gonna keep trying with the pool and hopefully she will get better! Lilly does have water play at daycare everyday so hopefully with will help with the pool!
Added picture from the first visit to the pool with Al and Soup.

I am gonna keep trying with the pool and hopefully she will get better! Lilly does have water play at daycare everyday so hopefully with will help with the pool!
Added picture from the first visit to the pool with Al and Soup.
Walking around the pool is what Lilly spent most of her time doing.
The other half was having snacks! She did get in but wasn't happy.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tot Lot fun!
We have this great little area of Rodger's Forge know as the Tot Lot and Lilly just loves it there! My Mom's group had a later afternoon playdate and we made it. I think Lilly could play there for hours, here are a few pictures for our evening there. Of course it helps to play there for a long time we your BFF also comes. Lilly and Alex really do have a wonderful time together!

Lilly on the horsey, as she likes to call it!
Lilly and Alex playing on the roller coasters. SO much fun playing in the dusty dirt!
You can get an up close look at how dirty she is getting, but I don't dare stop her when she is having fun!
Lilly and Alex on the slide.
So classy, with her flip flops off!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Last Days at Baby Friends!
Today Lilly officially graduated from Baby Friends! What, my baby has already graduated from something and she is only 2! She even got a certificate of completion. I mean really its only daycare but man time had flow and she has grown so much.
We also said goodbye to one of Lilly's favorite teachers Ms. Erica. She is not going to be there next year so she will miss new baby Roach but I told her she needed to come meet the baby when its born.
Anyway, Lilly had a great day, she was so adorable, but of course I say that because she is mine. Grandpa, Aunt Kate and Uncle Benson all came to enjoy Lilly's celebration. Then we all went to lunch at CVP. The last time we went Lilly didn't do so great but today she was a champ. Its a little late now but I will post some pictures tomorrow of the celebration.
Picture finally! We took a ton, but I think these are the best.

We also said goodbye to one of Lilly's favorite teachers Ms. Erica. She is not going to be there next year so she will miss new baby Roach but I told her she needed to come meet the baby when its born.
Anyway, Lilly had a great day, she was so adorable, but of course I say that because she is mine. Grandpa, Aunt Kate and Uncle Benson all came to enjoy Lilly's celebration. Then we all went to lunch at CVP. The last time we went Lilly didn't do so great but today she was a champ. Its a little late now but I will post some pictures tomorrow of the celebration.
Picture finally! We took a ton, but I think these are the best.
Lilly giving Ms. Amy her present.
Aww, isn't she so cute, I love her!
Taking advantage of the fun slide! Dresses doesn't stop this girl, she is fearless!
Lilly and Ms. Erica, we will miss her and apparently Lilly was to upset to even smile with her, ok she really wasn't but Lilly has this new thing were she doesn't ever want to look at the camera when we want her too.
Her diploma, yes at two years of age, Lilly has a diploma.
This is what the presents looked like finished! I think they turned out great!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bad Mommy Blogger
So clearly since the last blog post, a few things have happened. Lilly celebrated her 2nd Birthday, we had Snowmaggedon, Lilly will be a big sister sometime in early November, and most recently Lilly moved into a toddler bed. I am sure there are more things that have happened but really since I remember these so clearly these must be the most important. All of these first for Lilly and she has handled them like a champ.
I am just adding that even thought this is the most recent post I have backed dated post starting in January. Some months will be more full then others. I know you have heard this before but I will be doing better at updating.
I am just adding that even thought this is the most recent post I have backed dated post starting in January. Some months will be more full then others. I know you have heard this before but I will be doing better at updating.
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