Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Night Before Christmas

Every night Ben and Lilly read The Night Before Christmas pop up book and did all the advent calendars in the house. It was such a great thing that they did together. I hope to make this a new tradition. It was also so great to see Lilly's eye light up when Ben would say, hey Lil guess what time it is, or Do you want to do calendars. I don't know how many times Ben read her this book, but she loved it every time!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
First Snow!
Since we couldn't go out we hung out at home. We made cookies, wrapped presents, and even had a playdate with out neighbor Sarah and her daughter Kiri. Her husband works for the Highway maintenance so he was busy plowing 95 the whole time so we kept them busy while he was out.
On Saturday while it was snowing we went out. Lilly wasn't to much of a fan. I had to bribe her to put the snow pants with a her paci. Then when I finally got everything on, she didn't want to give up her paci and then was miserable in the snow. Honestly it was miserable outside, the wind was blowing and it was cold.
Later after her nap, Kiri and Sarah came over for dinner. It was nice to have some friends over and Lilly enjoyed playing with Kiri. We are also proud of Miss Kiri. She is learning to stand on her own and did so well!
Here are some pictures of day 1!
Day two!!
Day two went much better. Lilly put on her snow pants and boots with no fight, yay! She really wanted to go outside and couldn't wait to get out. While Ben shoveled Lilly and I played in the snow, took a walk and even got some playtime in with Kiri!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
So this year, Santa was not our friend. I am hoping next year goes better!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Gingerbread House Making Playdate
Lilly loved the icing and all the candy that was involved!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Potty Talk
I now know why my mom would say " I can't even go to the bathroom in peace!" I hear ya mom.
OK back to the story, so it was a Tuesday I bought the potty and then Thursday at daycare Lilly actually peed on the potty! Not a lot but some. Miss Robin, her teacher had taken another student to get changed naturally Lilly followed her into the bathroom, and started messing with the toilet. So Miss Robin told her she couldn't play with it but could sit on it. Lilly's diaper was already wet but did manage to get some pee in the potty. GO Bean! Needless to say I was very excited.
At home its a different story. Lilly will not sit on the potty. The first time I mentioned it, she said NOOO and turned an ran the other way! Haha!
Oh well, we are not there yet, but will keep you all posted!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Big Boo Boo
Anyway I got a phone call how Lilly has taken a spill on the playground and looked kinda bad. Usually when I pick up daycare Miss Robin isn't there, she leaves before I can get Lilly, so she just wanted to warn me it looks kind of bad. I was totally thinking the worse when it happened. They actually had to take her to the school nurse, it was bleeding so much. So I was worried all day, well it looked bad. Poor baby, looked like she was in a fight and lost!
Here are a few pictures of what she looked like.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Ok so seriously I haven't been the best blogger at all. I will really try and keep this up now!
I feel like so much has happened since that last time I updated, duh you say, its been 8 months!
The summer came and went and Ben, Bean and I headed to the beach twice. Once to Corolla, NC with some friend for a week. It was one the best vacations I have been on! Then we headed to OC to spend sometimes with The Scheollkopf's. Lilly and Jack always seem to have a good time together!
Lilly and Ben did enjoy some quality time together. They spent many days at the Zoo.
August is when Lilly started back to daycare and Ben went back to work. It’s been a busy fall with a trip to Ohio, some fun Halloween activities and just recently Thanksgiving. We are now kicking off the Christmas season.
Today we went to Kennedy Krieger's Festival of Trees! It was so much fun. Lilly loved it and walked all over the place. She also took her first ride on a carousel, I know she is almost two and this is the first time! She loved it. A little impatient waiting for it to start, she tried out several horses before she committed to one!
Here are a few pics of what happened since June.
Me and Lilly Bean at the beginning of summer!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend Playdates